So, How's Your Day, So Far? Here's Mine...
I was driving early this morning to visit a client. The sun was bright and warm, so I had my window down about halfway. The wind blowing through my hair (Yes, at 55 I'm fortunate to have a full head of hair!). My CD player was cranked up, as I was putting myself in "sales mode". Pumping up the energy, you know. Then, it happened.
Something entered my car through the open window! It flitted past me. It was gigantic! In a mild state of panic, I quickly looked about my car interior in search of the intruder. Saw nothing, heard nothing. I glanced in my rear-view mirror and was horrified at my discovery. A gargantuan dragonfly had perched itself on my head clinging to my hair!

(Courtesy Dragonfly Site)
Now, on my "Scream Like a Little Girl List" (and most men have such a list) bats flying around inside my house ranks Number One! Apparently, dragonflies perched on my head ranks Number Two!
Now, on my "Scream Like a Little Girl List" (and most men have such a list) bats flying around inside my house ranks Number One! Apparently, dragonflies perched on my head ranks Number Two!
Deep breaths, I told myself. It was a busy road with no places to pull over. The dragonfly was moving about my head. I glanced back into the mirror only to see that the unwanted visitor was looking out the rear window. That meant its long body/tail was in a position to sting my forehead! They have stingers, right? Nonetheless, I was frantic over this thought. All the while, it's dragging its "stinger tail" over my forehead!
I finally located a spot to pull over. A parking lot with a treed median! I wheeled to the right and pulled in.
I stopped the car and checked the mirror, again. Yep, it's still my hair. So, I gently opened the door, slid out of the car, and quietly closed the door. Didn't want him to panic and sting my head!
Walking gingerly, I headed toward the grassy median. The idea was to deposit it in the grass, or in a tree. I bent down over a patch of grass, like I was washing my hair over a sink, and gently prodded it off my head. The dragonfly was now clinging to the end of my forefinger. We were looking at each other. Actually, he looked pretty harmless. Poor guy was probably just as panicked as I was. I placed my hand on the ground. He crawled off my finger and clung to a couple of blades of grass. Phew!
I proudly walked back to my car. You know the feeling. I handled a problem well and with professionalism. The door handle slipped under my fingers. Huh? I tried to open the door several times, but no luck. It was locked! Not only that, the engine was still running. You've got to be kidding me?! With that thought, my mobile phone rang...from inside the car! Probably my client wondering where I was. Inside my head, I was screaming like a little girl!
So, how's your day, so far?