Believe in Yourself! What My Grade 9 Gym Teacher Taught Me

I am currently reading Harvey Mackay’s latest book, “The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World”. Chapter Two, “Believe in Yourself” helped me recall a lesson my grade nine gym teacher, and football coach, taught me.

Report cards were coming out soon, so our teacher asked each student to write on a piece of paper what mark they should receive in his gym class. We were then instructed to submit our mark to him once class was dismissed. At first, I thought he was kidding, but it was no joke. He wanted our marks. I did not want to be boastful and submit a high mark, despite the fact I did very well in gym. So, I gave myself a very modest 55%.

Shortly thereafter, we received our report cards. I had completely forgotten about my teacher’s request until I checked my mark in gym…55%!

I was stunned and utterly outraged! How could he honestly believe my work in gym was only worth 55%?

The following day I confronted my gym teacher and demanded an explanation for such a low grade. His response was simple and honest.

“I gave you what you believed you were worth.”

His explanation angered me. However, I was upset at myself, not the teacher. He was right!

That was one of the most important lessons I learned in high-school.

Believe in yourself!


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