Video Game Collaboration for Business
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I was having a conversation the other day about the role social media plays in business. My friend develops social media platforms for business. I specialize in customer service performance i.e. people skills.
We discussed the scenario of a start-up and how it markets itself using social media tools. I happen to work for a start-up company. Typically, start-ups position themselves by utilizing trade publication advertisements, joining industry associations, attending business conferences and tradeshows, writing articles for magazines and posting blogs, and so on. I have also been successful conducting lunch and learn seminars to prospective clients.
So far, growth has been steady, yet not as fast as I would like to see. How can I accelerate growth? My friend suggested studying the video games model for a possible answer. Huh?
Everyone has witnessed the exponential growth of the video game industry, hardware and software. According to a Strategy Analytics study* the video game market has grown 50% between 2005 and 2010. The video game software market in 2010 was estimated to be $47.5 billion dollars. Suffice to say, this industry understands how to attract users and maintain growth. How is this accomplished?
Simply put, they understand the need for interaction with the user, and visual stimulation. By creating interaction they conquer the users’ need to belong. Users literally become part of the game. They become an essential piece in the game’s entertainment, and success. As most people know, humans are a visual creature. “I’ll believe it when I see it!” and as with countless games, “see” they do!
So, how does this relate to business growth? Perhaps we should explore the video game business model. Users constantly, and continuously, communicate with game hardware and software developers. This immediate connection allows producers to enhance their products based on user feedback. Social media tools, like Twitter, Facebook, texting, and even emails, facilitate the communication of ideas. They essentially collaborate. Video game manufacturers understand their market and have successfully nurtured it. They have listened, and responded, to their customer.
Make communications with your potential clients truly interactive, and fun! Create a You Tube video. Build a group of passionate like-minded people and share your ideas. Offer to help others without expecting anything in return. Allow their passion to drive you, and the market.
* Feb. 5, 2010.
I was having a conversation the other day about the role social media plays in business. My friend develops social media platforms for business. I specialize in customer service performance i.e. people skills.
We discussed the scenario of a start-up and how it markets itself using social media tools. I happen to work for a start-up company. Typically, start-ups position themselves by utilizing trade publication advertisements, joining industry associations, attending business conferences and tradeshows, writing articles for magazines and posting blogs, and so on. I have also been successful conducting lunch and learn seminars to prospective clients.
So far, growth has been steady, yet not as fast as I would like to see. How can I accelerate growth? My friend suggested studying the video games model for a possible answer. Huh?
Everyone has witnessed the exponential growth of the video game industry, hardware and software. According to a Strategy Analytics study* the video game market has grown 50% between 2005 and 2010. The video game software market in 2010 was estimated to be $47.5 billion dollars. Suffice to say, this industry understands how to attract users and maintain growth. How is this accomplished?
Simply put, they understand the need for interaction with the user, and visual stimulation. By creating interaction they conquer the users’ need to belong. Users literally become part of the game. They become an essential piece in the game’s entertainment, and success. As most people know, humans are a visual creature. “I’ll believe it when I see it!” and as with countless games, “see” they do!
So, how does this relate to business growth? Perhaps we should explore the video game business model. Users constantly, and continuously, communicate with game hardware and software developers. This immediate connection allows producers to enhance their products based on user feedback. Social media tools, like Twitter, Facebook, texting, and even emails, facilitate the communication of ideas. They essentially collaborate. Video game manufacturers understand their market and have successfully nurtured it. They have listened, and responded, to their customer.
Make communications with your potential clients truly interactive, and fun! Create a You Tube video. Build a group of passionate like-minded people and share your ideas. Offer to help others without expecting anything in return. Allow their passion to drive you, and the market.
* Feb. 5, 2010.